Criminal Defense

Assault charges in New Jersey can result in serious penalties such as fines and jail time. If you are being accused of simple or aggravated assault, contact us as soon as possible to learn your options.
Bail Reform
Our firm is well-versed with all aspects of the most recent bail reform that eliminates cash bail in the state and protects the rights of those accused of minor crimes. If you believe you have been unjustly detained before receiving a conviction, reach out to us. We are here to help.
Child Endangerment
Being accused of a crime involving a minor is very serious and accused individuals receive little leniency from the state. Our criminal defense attorneys in Jersey City know how to analyze your child endangerment case and negotiate a favorable outcome.
Domestic Violence

Domestic violence crimes can vary in severity, from simple assault to a first-degree crime. The state is very aggressive and will protect the victims until the accused party is proven innocent. Our firm has a team of knowledgeable domestic violence attorneys ready to help you with your case.
Drug Crime
Drug Crimes including drug possession and distribution are considered criminal offenses and subject to harsh penalties, incarceration, and fines. Our attorneys will work to defend your rights, analyze the evidence presented by the prosecution, and come up with a defense strategy to minimize penalties or dismiss your charges when possible.
DWI Defense
In most cases, getting a DUI is stressful as it is often someone’s first time getting in trouble with the law. We are skilled in finding alternatives to fight the charges and get you a better outcome than you might obtain on your own, potentially saving you from more emotional distress and thousands of dollars in fines and high-risk insurance.
If you have been convicted of a crime and have served your sentence, you may be eligible for expungement, i.e., completely erasing the criminal record from your history. Our attorneys have successfully helped many clients get a blank slate and are ready to assist you. Contact us to verify your eligibility and the next steps needed.
Federal Crimes

For those accused of a federal crime, our attorneys can help plan out the right steps to take. From arraignments to trials, legal motions, and appeals, we have the knowledge to protect your rights at every phase – and a track record to prove it.
Gun Possession
New Jersey requires a permit for all legal firearms. If you have been charged with unlawful gun possession in New Jersey, you will need a seasoned attorney to represent you in court. Our firm handles simple gun possession cases as well as cases of possession for unlawful purposes.
Juvenile Crimes
Juvenile cases are heard in family court and involve individuals who are under 18 years of age and have been charged with a crime. Our firm takes a compassionate approach to negotiate many outcomes that will benefit the juvenile and his or her family. We highly recommend you contact our firm to review your case before appearing before a juvenile judge.
Navigating juvenile justice requires expertise and sensitivity. Our attorneys specialize in crafting defense strategies tailored to the unique circumstances of each case, aiming for resolutions that safeguard the future of the young individual involved. For a detailed consultation and to explore your legal options, click here to reach out to us.
Murder / Homicide
Being accused of killing another person is the most serious crime with penalties from 30 years to life in prison. If you or a loved one is being charged with murder, there may be still several defenses or loopholes we can pursue. Speaking with a skilled criminal defense attorney is in your best interest.

Shoplifting is a common crime in New Jersey and is considered a disorderly person’s offense handled by a municipal court. Subsequent convictions result in escalating penalties and potential jail time. Our firm handles shoplifting cases and strives to obtain the best outcomes for our clients and de-escalate charges when applicable.
Sex Crimes
Being accused of a sex crime is a major violation with severe stigmas and harsh penalties. Offenders will be prosecuted under Megan’s Law. If you have been charged with a sex crime, we urge you to contact our sex crime attorneys as soon as possible to learn your options.
Traffic Violations
If you are facing a traffic violation such as traffic tickets, illegal parking, DUIs, speeding, reckless driving, and cell phone violations, you may be facing expensive penalties and other significant consequences. Our firm can help you negotiate a better outcome for your case in a municipal court and can likely spare you from future headaches and financial burden.
Violent Crimes
A mere accusation of a violent crime can mean daunting obstacles and severe consequences to your reputation. If you are being charged with a violent crime, our attorneys will exhaust every avenue to try and reach a positive outcome for your case.
White Collar Crimes

White Collar crimes include but are not limited to embezzlement, bankruptcy fraud, tax fraud, and Ponzi schemes. While not violent, these are serious crimes judged in a federal court and subject to federal sentencing guidelines. If you have been notified that you are under investigation or have been charged with a white-collar federal crime, you are urged to consult with a seasoned federal criminal defense attorney at our firm as soon as possible.